The Transport Authority is implementing standards for the use of globes and colour coding for Hackney Carriage motor vehicles. Accordingly, effective February 15, 2016, no first time (new) or renewal application for a Hackney Carriage road licence will be accepted unless the following specification/requirement in accordance with the law and the Transport Authority’s standards has been met: Under the Jamaica Gazette of Proclamations, Rules and Regulations the following should be maintained:
A taxi roof sign/globe on the top of the vehicle,
bearing the word ‘TAXI’ plainly and distinctly
visible from the front and rear of the vehicle. The
shape, colour and dimensions should be that
approved by the Transport Authority.
The roof sign/globe, the sign, bearing the word
“TAXI” to be properly illuminated throughout
any part of the hiring which is during the hours
of darkness, that is to say, during the period
between one-half hour after sunset and one-half
hour before sunrise.
The roof sign/globe should be yellow with black
lettering and shall be no less than 22cm (9”) in
length, 7cm (2.5”) in width and 8cm (3”) in
height. The taxi roof sign/globe should be positioned on the roof of the vehicle toward the front,
30.5cm (12”) from the windshield (at centre).
It should be permanently and securely affixed on
the roof of the vehicle.

The format of the colour coding is as follows:
• On the sides, a checkered pattern/print in black and yellow (code:FFDE00). The pattern should be oriented horizontally and measure 10cm (4”) in height. Each check should be 2.5cm (1”) squares.
• The length of the strip should be from the front fender to the rear lamp, that is to say, between the headlights and taillights of the vehicle.
• The checked pattern/print shall not be more than 1.5cm (1/2”) below the weather strip located at the bottom of the window of each door.

Route Taxis
The words “ROUTE TAXI” should be printed legibly in letters of size 5cm (2”) in height on the front doors of the vehicle. The Route Taxi Association logo must not be less than 15cm (6”) in width and fleet number which shall not be less than 6.5cm (2 .5”). The Route Taxi Association logo must also be displayed on the front doors of the vehicles below the words “ROUTE TAXI”. The prescribed route/destination marking should be printed below the logo in block letters not less than 5cm (2”) in height.
Hackney Carriages
The words “HACKNEY CARRIAGE” or the word “TAXI” should be legibly printed in a size of 5cm (2”) in height on the front doors of the vehicle.
The current schedule of fares approved by the Authority, mileage and charges shall be legibly printed in a size of not less than 1” in height, on the outside of the front doors, below the words “HACKNEY CARRIAGE” or the word “TAXI” as set out below:
Variable Rate
Base Rate $270.00
Rate per km $54.00
Waiting time (per 5 minutes) $28.00
Long term rate of hire (per hour) $862.00
At 12 midnight to 5a.m, a 25% increase is

The Color Coding and Taxi roof sign/globe are now part of the APPROVED external markings for Route Taxis and Hackney Carriages. Accordingly, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should these markings and Taxi roof signs/globes be removed from the vehicles.