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Transport Authority Decries Abuse of Commuter's Rights to Disembark Vehicle
The Transport Authority is decrying the blatant abuse of passenger rights as highlighted by a recent video circulated on social media and is warning offending operators that its operations teams will be exercising a zero tolerance approach to such incidents. The Authority uses this medium to express its deepest concern for the obvious distress suffered by the female passenger, whose rights, as a commuter were clearly infringed, since every passenger has a right to freely embark and disembark a motor vehicle at any convenient point. The Authority also publicly condemns the unsympathetic behaviour of the driver of the motor vehicle, who disregarded his responsibility to ensure that passengers are transported in a safe, secure and comfortable manner. Having become aware of the incident, the Authority commenced extensive efforts to contact the distressed passenger or other persons who may have witnessed the incident. A public plea was made on radio by the General Manager, Operations of the Transport Authority requesting that contact be made. Further, the Authority has intensified its monitoring and regulating of Public Passenger Vehicles, through the use of technology. As a part of this thrust, the Authority has added two applications to its monitoring system; WhatsApp and the Drive Safe Jamaica App, which are both fully functional and in use by the commuting public. Videos and pictures of infractions being committed by operators of Public Passenger Vehicles may be uploaded to the Transport Authority’s WhatsApp number, (876) 551-8196 or to the Drive Safe Jamaica App, which can be downloaded in Google Play Store. The Authority encourages the public to fully utilize these applications to report the various infractions that may be committed by PPV operators, so that the appropriate sanctions under the Transport Authority’s Suspension and Revocation Policy can be applied. Additionally, the Authority is encouraging members of the commuting public to choose only legal Public Passenger Vehicles as their mode of transportation.
Transport Authority Meets with Major Stakeholders within the Sector
In furtherance of the Authority’s mandate to ensure a safe and orderly transport system, the Authority has sought to continuously engage its stakeholders and maintain its commitment to open, honest dialogue and has extended an invitation to meet with the Presidents of the Jamaica Association of Transport Owners and Operators (JATOO) and the Transport Operators Development Sustainable Services (TODSS) on Monday, August 19, 2019, to discuss a number of matters relating to the public transport sector. The Transport Authority is committed to partnering with its stakeholders to ensure that order and stability are maintained within the sector. As such, these discussions to be held with the main stakeholders, to include Route Taxi Associations and Hackney Carriage Companies, represent the Authority’s commitment to continuous consultations with its stakeholders island-wide. The Transport Authority continues to Regulate with Vision.
Transport Authority Clarifies Misinformation About Tracking Devices to be Installed in Public Passenger Vehicles
The Transport Authority is clarifying misinformation in the public space regarding the number of companies that may be utilized by Public Passenger Vehicle operators, to install tracking devices on Public Passenger Vehicles. Initially, the Authority had selected four (4) companies, which met specifically articulated criteria, through which owners of Public Passenger Vehicles could access the services for the installation of their tracking devices. However, Minister Montague in his Sectoral presentation on June 04, 2019, advised the public transport sector that owners are now able to obtain tracking devices through any company of their choice, but will however be required to provide proof of installation and an activity report, from their tracking system, for the last thirty (30) days, on request by the Authority. In keeping with the Honourable Minister Montague’s sixteen (16) points Transformation Reform Proposal, the Authority is reminding public transport operators that the installation of tracking devices on their vehicles will shortly become mandatory for all Public Passenger Vehicles. It is currently so for the new applicants. The Transport Authority is also advising the commuting public that the installation of tracking devices on Public Passenger Vehicles is another mechanism being used to monitor and address matters relating to safety and security within the public passenger transport sector.
Transport Authority Thankful for Smooth Start to the New School Year
The Transport Authority advises that the planned withdrawal of services by select PPV operators on Monday September 2, 2019 had very little effect on the public transport system. The Authority has indicated that preparations were made to mitigate against the effects of the threatened withdrawal of services by some PPV operators, and that there was strategic collaboration between the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the JUTC and the Transport Authority. The Authority wishes to use this medium to commend the responsible PPV operators who maintained their presence on the roads to ensure that the nation’s children were transported safely and securely to and from school. Equally, the Authority wishes to thank the commuting public for their patience and understanding, as it continues to work towards a safe, efficient and orderly public passenger transport system for all.